Welcome to my weekly meal plan week 16. I didn’t post a plan last week and this week’s plan is a little later than usual due to just arriving back from our holidays. I’m going to keep the week ahead as simple as possible as I’ve lots of catching up to do (at least the kids were back at school today!).
After all the Easter indulgences I was really looking forward to a light and simple week, however, this can be difficult, specially when you need to cater for growing kids too. I generally don’t do separate meals or menus. As a family we all all eat at the same time and the same meal. Therefore, to keep things in balance I will have to practise portion control and eat lots of veggies and salads on the side.
The weather has also warmed up so I’ll be boosting the start of my day with a few healthy breakfast smoothies.
Weekly Meal Plan (Week 16)
For those of you not familiar with my weekly meal plans they work as follows:
“I post mainly week day dinner recipe ideas Monday through to Friday and throw in some suggestion on possible week-end meals which will serve you twice. I’ll occasionally talk of breakfasts, snacks, or dessert idea and I’ve recently added in Monday to Friday packed lunch ideas too. If you’d like to read further on packed lunch ideas you can find a whole list of More than 20 No Sandwich Packed Lunch Ideas here. Feel free to mix things up ie: you don’t have to make every single recipe, or on the day stated. I’m always changing days around to suit the family schedule, eg: you may want to make Monday’s recipe on Friday, or you may only want to make one of the recipes during the week – just use the weekly meal plan is a guide not a rule!”
Weekly Meal Plan (Week 16)
Quick Easy Pizzas – just bought a few naan bread and will top with some homemade tomato sauce, topped with a little ham and a mix of mozzarella & cheddar
Kid Packed lunch: ham & cheese in soft rolls.
A quick & easy Shepherds Pie.
Kid Packed lunch: Cream cheese & ham bagels.
Spaghetti Bolognese – thankfully I’ve a bolognese sauce in the freezer to makes things simple.
Packed Lunches: Chicken tortilla wraps with roasted peppers
Butter Chicken – Not really quick and easy but have been craving Indian food the last few days and I know the kids all love this dish. Will marinate the chicken overnight on the Wednesday.
Packed Lunch: Leftover spaghetti
Moroccan Lamb Tray bake – This was on a previous week’s menu which I didn’t get round to trying so will plan this one for Friday as husband will be back home.
Packed Lunches: Fish finger sandwiches.

Recipe and Image by EasyPeasyFoodie
Stay tuned and I’ll be back with more ideas for you next week – have a great week!
P.S. Don’t forget you can follow me on INSTAGRAM for behind the scenes action or PINTEREST for lots more recipe inspiration!
I will be linking up this post with #MealPlanningMonday hosted by Hijacked By Twins
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